The residents of Mukono District face a dire challenge in accessing clean and safe drinking water. Polluted water sources and inadequate sanitation facilities have resulted in severe health issues within the region. The average life expectancy for residents is an alarming 47 years, largely due to the poor living conditions. Approximately half of the population does not have access to protected water sources for drinking, often resorting to unsafe sources like freestanding ponds and unprotected wells.
Waterborne infections and parasites, prevalent in contaminated water, are the leading causes of death in Mukono District. Poor sanitation also contributes to the high risk of hepatitis A and Typhoid fever. Furthermore, stagnant water bodies foster malaria-carrying mosquitoes, causing one of the most common deadly infections in the area. Overall, the health and standard of living in Mukono are severely compromised.
The key points here are.
- Water Source Development: – identifying and developing sustainable water resources like, (wells, boreholes, rainwater harvesting)
- Water Treatment and Distribution: -implementing water treatment systems and distribution networks to homes distant from the water sources.
- Sanitation facilities: -Constructing toilets, latrines and bathroom facilities.
- Hygiene Education: – Conducting workshops and trainings on proper sanitation and hygiene in the places in which they live.
- Community Engagement: – Involving local governments in the projects planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring what is put in place so it can benefit the whole community leading to sustainable development.